Milan Milosevic

[Timisoara 2016] Photos

Photo gallery from the school that was held in Timisoara (Romania).

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Posted by Milan Milosevic in Timisoara 2016, 0 comments

[Timisoara 2016] Computational methods in Cosmology and General Relativity

The third seminar in the CERN – SEENET-MTP PhD training Program will be held in Timisoara, Romania. from December 11th (arrival) to December 17th (departure) 2016. The program was launched in 2015 with a generous support of CERN. About origin of the Program see here, and about the two previous Schools see here (Belgrade and Bucharest).

This Timisoara – 2016 event, titled Computational methods in Cosmology and General Relativity, is mainly intended for PhD students who study High Energy Physics and related fields. The topics of the school cover modern aspects in General Relativity in Cosmology, including numerical and analytical methods.

The training event will consist in a series of intense, self-connected lectures designated mainly for PhD students, but also for advanced master students and young postodocs. The initiative provides an opportunity to bring together students and professors from different university centers and to develop a regional training program in the field of theoretical physics in South-Eastern Europe with participation of internationally recognized lecturers outside the region.

The list of lecturers is available here. The application form for the participation to the Timisoara 2016 PhD Training Program is available here.

The deadline for applications is November 30th, 2016.

Contact person: Dr. Victor Ambrus, [e2i][/e2i]

Please distribute this message among the PhD. students in your community and encourage them to apply for the School. Advanced master students, as well as young postdocs are also welcome.

A number of fellowships to cover travel and local expenses will be provided from a CERN contribution, local sources and the SEENET-MTP Office. No school free will be imposed.

With best regards,
Prof. Dr. Dumitru Vulcanov,
President of the SEENET-MTP Network and cochair of the school

Posted by Milan Milosevic in Timisoara 2016, 0 comments