Milan Milosevic

[Craiova 2020] Participants


1) Tsvetan Ivanov Vetsov
Faculty of Physics, University of Sofia, Bulgaria

2) Kalin Viliyanov Staykov
Faculty of Physics, University of Sofia, Bulgaria

3) Miroslav Vladimirov Radomirov
Faculty of Physics, University of Sofia, Bulgaria

4) Ivo Nikolaev Iliev
Faculty of Physics, University of Sofia, Bulgaria

5) Zehra Abdrahim
Faculty of Physics, University of Sofia, Bulgaria

6) Aleksandrina Kirkova
Faculty of Physics, University of Sofia, Bulgaria


7) Lavrentios Kazantzidis
University of Ioannina, Greece

8) George Alestas
University of Ioannina, Greece

9) Konstantinos Violaris-Gountonis
University of Ioannina, Greece

10) Angelos Lykkas
University of Ioannina, Greece

11) Lampros Trifyllis
University of Ioannina (Greece)


12) Amin Jajarmi
Department of Electrical Engineering, University of Bojnord, Iran.

North Macedonia

13) Redona Bexheti
University “Cyril and Methodius” Skopje, RNM.


14) Sania Quarashi
Mehran Univ. of Engineering and Technology Jamshoro, Pakistan.


15) Aurelia Florian
University of Craiova, Romania

16) Mihai Stoicescu
University of Craiova, Romania

17) Alina Streche-Pauna
University of Craiova, Romania

18) Florin Onete
University of Craiova, Romania

19) Serban Suciu
IFIN HH and University of Bucharest, Romania

20) George Cristian Ivan
IFIN HH and University of Bucharest, Romania

21) Tatiana Mihaescu
IFIN HH and University of Bucharest, Romania

22) Marina Cuzminschi
IFIN HH and University of Bucharest, Romania

23) Alexei Zubarev
IFIN HH and University of Bucharest, Romania

24) Alina Dobre
IFIN HH and University of Bucharest, Romania

25) Madalin Calamanciuc
IFIN HH and University of Bucharest, Romania


26) Tijana Radenković
Institute of Physics Belgrade, Serbia

27) Marko Stojanovic
Faculty of Sciences and Mathematics, University of Nis, Serbia


28) Fiona Kirk
University of Zurich, Paul Scherrer Institute, Switzerland


29) Abdullahi Yusuf
Dept. of Computer Engineering, Biruni University, Istanbul, Turkey

30) Ozlem Defterli
Dept of Mathematics, Cankaya University, Ankara-Turkey.


31) Sreejesh Satheesh Kumar
Chang Gung University, Taiwan (R.O.C.)

Posted by Milan Milosevic in Craiova 2020, 0 comments

[Craiova 2020] Program

School Lecturers and Topics:

  • Luca Heltai (SISSA Trieste, Italy) High performance Computing
  • Igor Salom (Institute of Physics, Belgrade, Serbia) Computer Techniques in HEP
  • Raul Jimenez (Univ. of Barcelona, Spain) Numerical techniques in Cosmology
  • Ioannis Rizos (Ioannina Univ., Greece) Specific computations in HEP
  • Milan Milosevic (Nis Univ., Serbia) Numerical inflation – simulation of observational parameters
  • Dumitru Vulcanov (West Univ. of Timisoara, Romania) Computational cosmology
  • Aurelian Isar (NIPNE Bucharest, Romania) Quantum information
Posted by Milan Milosevic in Craiova 2020, 0 comments

[Craiova 2020] Computational Methods in Theoretical Physics

The SEENET-MTP School “Computational Methods in Theoretical Physics” was held in online from 24 – 27 September 2020.

The school mainly addressed to the PhD Students from South-Eastern European Countries. Participants from other countries were also welcome. The main topic of the School was the use of the Computational Methods in High Energy and Theoretical Physics.

School Lecturers and Topics:

  • Luca Heltai (SISSA Trieste, Italy)
    High performance Computing
  • Igor Salom (Institute of Physics, Belgrade, Serbia)
    Computer Techniques in HEP
  • Raul Jimenez (Univ. of Barcelona, Spain)
    Numerical techniques in Cosmology
  • Ioannis Rizos (Ioannina Univ., Greece)
    Specific computations in HEP
  • Milan Milosevic (Nis Univ., Serbia)
    Numerical inflation – simulation of observational parameters
  • Dumitru Vulcanov (West Univ. of Timisoara, Romania)
    Computational cosmology
  • Aurelian Isar (NIPNE Bucharest, Romania)
    Quantum information

More information is available at the official website.

The School has been announced to take place in Craiova Romania, July 6-12, 2020. However, due to COVID19, after many communication and attempts the school has been postponed and the final decision of the Local organizers was to organize the school online.

Posted by Milan Milosevic in Craiova 2020, 0 comments

[Ioannina 2019] Photos

Posted by Milan Milosevic in Ioannina 2019, 0 comments

[Ioannina 2019] Participants

  • Alestas George University of Ioannina Greece
  • Anagnostopoulos Fotios National and Kapodistrian University of Athens Greece
  • Bakopoulos Athanasios University of Ioannina Greece
  • Barone Alessandro University of Bologna Italy
  • Basiouris Vasileios University of Ioannina Greece
  • Brkic Bojana University of Belgrade Serbia
  • Corba’ Sofia Panagiota University of Bologna Italy
  • Crnkovic Nikola University of Zagreb Croatia
  • Cuic Marija University of Zagreb Croatia
  • Dumitrescu Cosmin University of Bucharest Romania
  • Gialamas Ioannis National and Kapodistrian University of Athens Greece
  • Iliev Ivo Sofia University Bulgaria
  • Iliopoulos Nikos University of Ioannina Greece
  • Ioan Dana Maria University of Bucharest Romania
  • Katsinis Dimitrios National and Kapodistrian University of Athens Greece
  • Katsis Aris National and Kapodistrian University of Athens Greece
  • Kazantzidis Lavrentios University of Ioannina Greece
  • Kis Stefan Tiberiu West University of Timisoara Romania
  • Lykkas Angelos University of Ioannina Greece
  • Mantzaropoulos Konstantinos University of Ioannina Greece
  • Milosevic Milan University of Niš Serbia
  • Mukhaeva Alfiia JINR MIPT Russian Federation
  • Nakas Theodoros University of Ioannina Greece
  • Obric Danijel University of Belgrade Serbia
  • Papachristou Pantelis National and Kapodistrian University of Athens Greece
  • Radenkovic Tijana Institute of Physics Belgrade Serbia
  • Radomirov Miroslav Sofia University Bulgaria
  • Rigatos Konstantinos University οf Southampton United Kingdom
  • Soutzios Christos University of Ioannina Greece
  • Stamou Ioanna National and Kapodistrian University of Athens Greece
  • Stojanovic Marko University of Niš Serbia
  • Taskas Ioannis National Technical University of Athens Greece
  • Tavellaris Ilias University of Ioannina Greece
  • Trifyllis Lampros University of Ioannina Greece
  • Tringas George National Technical University of Athens Greece
  • Violaris-Gkountonis Konstantinos University of Ioannina Greece
  • Zorba Utku Istanbul Technical University Turkey
Posted by Milan Milosevic in Ioannina 2019, 0 comments